Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I experienced my first OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE in 1995.Then I started observing paranormal phenomena often at night but things took a turn only after my father died.We developed a beautiful communication that exists till today and will always even after I die.Now I experience an inner OBE almost every night.Since my spirit remains within my body when I am sleeping I seldom see my own body on the bed or my surroundings while I am sleeping but as I gradually wake up I realize that I am communicating with benevolent spirits who are desperately urging me to marry again-sometimes the voices are so loud and clear that I am jolted out of my slumber.In the recent OBE certain spirits extracted a promise out of me that I MUST definitely marry.
Twice in the recent past when I had a full OBE my father came striding by,rocked my bed hard,screamed at me and told me to wake up immediately.
Several times my father communicated with me loud and clear through signals and urged me to bring out the planchette board and I obliged.He had a message for me---I MUST MARRY.And also told me whom to marry.
And through MY GRANDFATHER whom I hypnotized on Feb23,2008 my father had another message for me—that I would go abroad again and become spiritually famous gradually. I will be going to Bangalore on 31st May for r 10 days for advanced meditation.My father had strictly advised me to meditate all the time to wake up all my hidden psychic talents for which I am destined to become famous some 12 years later.He wants to forget this life and then come back in my womb as my son and so he told me not to call him anymore.He called me BOOTY(his nickname for me) for the very last time on Feb23,2008 .He said, “BOOTY RE TUI BODDO PAGLAMI KORISH—TUI AAMAKE JAETAE DERE”—

In India,divorcees are treated like widows—they are never invited to sacred occasions like weddings and “annaprashan”or rice ceremony(a baby’s first foray into eating rice).My father’s prophecy is that this gross insult from my relatives will give them painful results in the long run and they would want my help desperately but I will be out of reach then.I shall be surrounded by the most famous people then.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I have never ever felt scared of spirits---we are all spirits--some have bodies and some don't.Infact,once a spirit of a young guy got scared of me while I enjoyed seeing him.It was about 2.30 a.m and I was wide awake.I needed a drink of water desperately and I went into the dining cum living room --I deliberately did not switch on the light and there lo behold sitting pretty on the sofa cum bed was a young bespectacled guy in brown pants with a middle parting in his hair.I stood there wondering whether he was a thief and suddenly he turned his head and saw me.I could see the shock in his face before he vanished into thin air.
Although,my father left his physical state 10 years ago my father speaks to me just like a living soul.
He has helped me so much in the last ten years--he has helped me not only in locating important files and papers around the house--he has often helped me when I was in trouble and has told me of my destiny as well.
Terrible misfortune has fallen on all those who dared to hurt me and tremendous luck was bestowed on those who had loved me and been kind to me since my father died.
I have realized that there are some benevolent spirits around me who are protecting me since the last ten years eversince I left my husband and have started living alone in my father's house.
My father told me that my ex husband is getting punished for hurting me.I told my father that I was not even interested in hearing about him.